Let’s Not Lose Marriage In Washington!

Washington state’s Governor Christine Gregoire signed a same-sex marriage bill into law in January. Before it even went into effect, the anti-gay activist machine — including NOM, the National Organization For Marriage — went to work to repeal the law. Today they will be filing an expected 200,000+ signed petitions that will likely ensure the law goes on the ballot in November and voters will get to decide if same-sex marriage should be legal in Washington — hardly an exercise the founding fathers would endorse.

You can help. Today, Washington United for Marriage in coordination with bloggers across the country is sponsoring a money bomb, to raise funds to combat the deep pockets of groups like NOM and Preserve Marriage Washington.

Who is Preserve Marriage Washington? Their anti-gay fact-twisted website states:

The definition of marriage in Washington is under attack because of the Legislature and Governor Gregoire’s support for SB 6239. If this law goes unchallenged, voters would have no say and marriage would be changed for every person in our state from being the union of one man and one woman to being a genderless institution.

If SB 6239 is allowed to take effect, it would be profound consequences for religious organizations, individuals, medical professionals, and small businesses-and for society itself.

Marriage Would Be Redefined For Everyone

Contrary to what some people think, same-sex ‘marriage’ would not exist in the law alongside traditional marriage; as if it were a different expression of the same marriage institution they have always known. Marriage will be redefined for everyone. Our historic understanding of marriage as the union of one man and one woman would be replaced by a new paradigm for marriage as the union of two people, regardless of gender.

Genderless Marriage the Only Legally Recognized Definition

This new, redefined version of marriage as a genderless institution would be the only legally recognized definition of marriage in Washington. Such a radical change in the definition of marriage will produce a host of societal conflicts that government – exercising its enormous enforcement powers – will have to resolve. Citizens, small businesses and religious organizations whose own beliefs, traditions, morals or ethnic upbringing are at odds with the new definition of marriage will find themselves subjected to legal consequences if they do not act according to the new legal orthodoxy.

Not a ‘Live and Let Live’ Issue

Legal experts on both sides of the marriage debate agree that the issue has profound impacts on society. Scholars from some of the nation’s most respected law schools have written that the issue implicates a host of issues, ranging from religious liberty, to individual expression of faith, to education and the professions.

For example, these legal scholars predict ‘a sea of change in American law,’ and foretell an ‘immense’ volume of litigation against individuals, small businesses and religious organizations.

Don’t let the anti-gay hate filled bigots win.

Here’s my personal challenge. I will donate $1 for every new follower we get on our Facebook page, up to $100, through midnight ET tonight. How’s that? Go on, tell your friends to follow/like us on Facebook.

As of this writing, we have 17,936 “likes.” Help push us over 18,000?

I’ll publish the results tomorrow.

If you can, please contribute. Washington needs our help!

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