Lesbian Denied Communion At Mother’s Funeral Talks To Lawrence O’Donnell

Barbara Johnson, who was denied communion at her mother’s funeral because she’s a lesbian, last night spoke with MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell. You’ll remember, the priest, Father Marcel Guarnizo, a Vicar at Saint John Neumann Catholic Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland, reportedly denied the woman communion, then exited in the middle of the funeral, and claimed he was too ill to go to the cemetery to deliver the final blessings.

“I cannot give you communion because you live with a woman and that is a sin according to the church,” Father Marcel Guarnizo told her.

Neither Father Marcel Guarnizo nor his superior, Reverend Thomas G. LaHood, ever responded to our requests for comment.

Here’s the video. In the second video (below) Barbara Johnson calls for Father Guarnizo to step down.


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