Lena Dunham’s ‘Vote For Obama’ Ad Is Totally Cute — And Making Conservatives Freak Out

Lena Dunham, the Emmy-nominated creator of HBO’s “Girls,” made a vote for Barack Obama ad that spoof-equates “your first time” with your first time voting. It’s fun, it’s not sexual, it’s cute, and conservatives are freaking the hell out over it.

First, you gotta watch it. It’ll make your day:

Your first time shouldn’t be with just anybody. You want to do it with a great guy. It should be with a guy with beautiful … somebody who really cares about and understands women.

A guy who cares about whether you get health insurance, and specifically whether you get birth control. The consequences are huge. You want to do it with a guy who brought the troops out of Iraq. You don’t want a guy who says, “Oh hey, I’m at the library studying,” when he’s really out not signing the Lilly Ledbetter Act.

Now, you have to decide if you want to live in a world where these types of reactions by these types of people are the “norm,” and do you really want these types of people in power?

Conservatives and Republicans have even made a Twitter hashtag: #MyFirstTime and are spewing faux righteous indignation.


So, go to YouTube and like this video, because conservatives have spammed it and it’s not doing well. Go figure.

The Atlantic adds:

Right wing bloggers are already experiencing agita, proclaiming the video “DISGUSTING.”

“They’ve finally sunken to a new low trying to get the youth vote by comparing voting for the first time to having sex for the first time,” says the RightScoop crew.

And yet, I am pretty sure the writers and readers of that site are not the Obama campaign’s target demographic with this video, at this late point in the campaign cycle.

Oh, and by the way, the campaign adds:

Your first time? Get started here: http://OFA.BO/A6Eeak


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