Lawmaker Who Wrote Girl Scouts Are “Feminists, Lesbians, Or Communists” Is Sorry – You Read His Letter

In perhaps on of the worst examples of an apology, Indiana state Republican Rep. Bob Morris — who wrote a letter to his fellow Representatives explaining why he would not vote for a resolution honoring the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts — is really, really sorry — that his letter became public, and so he’s apologizing so the media firestorm will subside. “It is my sincere hope that this statement will end the publicity with regard to my letter,” his “apology” states.

Morris wrote that the Girl Scouts are “a radicalized organization,” and claimed they “promote homosexual lifestyles,” and have been “subverted in the name of liberal progressive politics and the destruction of traditional American family values.” He also pointed to a supposed Girl Scouts list of 50 role models, of which “only three have a briefly-mentioned religious background – all the rest are feminists, lesbians, or Communists.” Morris also noted:

Boys who decide to claim a “transgender” or cross-dressing life-style are permitted to become a member of a Girl Scout troop, performing crafts with the girls and participate in overnight and camping activities – just like any real girl. The fact that the Honorary President of Girl Scouts of America is Michelle Obama, and the Obama’s [sic] are radically pro-abortion and vigorously support the agenda of Planned Parenthood, should give each of us reason to pause before our individual or collective endorsement of the organization.

Appropriately, Morris has come under nationwide attack for his attack on the Girl Scouts.

But now he claims he’s sorry, but adds that he didn’t do a great deal of research before writing every member of the Indiana House to share his ignorant and bigoted views, which (surprise!) he admits he got from World Net Daily, of all places. (That a lawmaker actually reads World Net Daily, and uses it to shape policy and opinion should scare every American man, woman, and child.)

Towleroad notes Morris “did not realize that his homophobic, transphobic, anti-feminist letter to fellow lawmakers attacking the “radicalized pro-abortion” Girl Scouts might draw attention beyong the Hoosier legislative sphere, including a mocking skit from Conan O’Brien.”

Here’s an excerpt from Morris’ “apology,” which still notes he refuses to honor their 100th anniversary for all the reasons he cited in his previous letter that he admits was poorly researched. Morris now feels he can support his ignorance by bashing Planned Parenthood, and by claiming he could have found even more reasons to not support the resolution.

As I have mentioned, the letter was intended for only my colleagues in the Statehouse. That is not an excuse for the breadth of my letter – rather, it is the reason for the lack of research and evidence it contained. I was merely attempting to express my reasons for not signing the House Resolution honoring the Girl Scouts and challenging my colleagues to think about the issue. I assure you that on matters of state policy and law making my research is extensive. Too, had I known this letter would have gone to a wider audience, I would have cited further evidence for my position.

In hindsight, I never should have written the letter. However, I still would not sign the Resolution honoring the Girl Scouts – not because of any local troops or even the Girl Scouts of Indiana, but because of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America (Girl Scouts USA) and its policies. My conscience would not allow me to publicly endorse an organization that partners with Planned Parenthood – our State’s leading abortion provider. My family and I view abortion as the biggest evil of our time. And as Blessed Pope John Paul II said in his Encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae, “every person sincerely open to truth and goodness can, by the light of reason and the hidden action of grace, come to recognize in the natural law written in the heart (cf. Rom 2:14-15) the sacred value of human life from its very beginning until its end, and can affirm the right of every human being to have this primary good respected to the highest degree.” I hope that my stance will help to spread the Gospel of life. Perhaps it will cause the Girl Scouts USA to reconsider its policies.

Apparently, Rep. Morris is unaware of a little thing called separation of church and state, and is trying out for the next open Bishop position.

Oh, by the way, The Atlantic has done a nice bit of research (something Morris isn’t too fond of) and found all sorts of curious issues surrounding him. He’s a high school athlete creatine pusher (isn’t that stuff potentially dangerous, especially for teens?) and an anthrax-alarmist.

And then there’s this gem: “Nothing in our Constitution says we have to pay a man when he is unemployed,” Morris said in 2010.

Perhaps the good voters of Indiana would like to test that theory on Morris and make him unemployed next time he’s up for re-election?

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