Lawmaker Pushes Bill To Allow Bullying Of Gay Students And Concealed Guns

Kentucky religious Republican lawmaker Mike Harmon is pushing a bill that would allow students to bully other students for their sexual orientation or for their support of another student’s sexual orientation, and that would allow concealed weapons in schools. Harmon says, “Well if someone says ‘You know, I think homosexuality is a sin,’ well we don’t want that child to be bullied because they have a certain moral or religious belief.” Oh, no, it’s much better for the majority students to bully the minority students.

Harmon, who is a Baptist and a Deacon at his church, adds, “We certainly don’t want them to be labeled a bully, just because they have that particular belief.”

WATCH: Bigots More Concerned About Being Perceived As Bigots Than Whether They Are

Before moving ahead with this part, note that Harmon calls homosexuality a “sin,” several times in this report. Additionally, and worse, Harmon is also pushing for an amendment to allow concealed firearms on to school campuses. That’s right. Let’s bully the gays and then create a scenario where we can shoot them too!

Mike Harmon needs to lose the next election. Big time.

Harmon by the way is endorsed by the NRA (surprise!) an is anti-abortion. Do the math.

Herein lies the problem. Harmon believes it’s OK to make fun of and harass people just because of who they are, who they were born, and yet we must protect the people whose views are a choice.

You chose your religion. You chose what to believe. You don’t chose who you are: black, white, Asian, Hispanic, gay, straight. Or any combination thereof. You have no choice in the matter, yet it’s OK to protect those who chose to bully you for whom you are.


Harmon’s colleague calls it “a very cynical amendment,” and says, “I would ask Mike Harmon, ‘What would Jesus do?'”

Jesus would not vote for this bill — or for Mike Harmon — that’s for sure!

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