Kirk Cameron: Homosexuality “Destructive To Foundations Of Civilization”

Former “Growing Pains” teen star Kirk Cameron told CNN’s Piers Morgan Friday that homosexuality “is destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization,” and added it is “destructive” and “unnatural.”

“Marriage is almost as old as dirt, and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve,” Cameron told Morgan. “One man, one woman for life till death do you part. So I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage. And I don’t think anyone else should either. So do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don’t.”

Cameron, who is now 41, is married to actress Chelsea Noble, and together they founded the Firefly Foundation that gives terminally ill children and their parents a week’s vacation at Camp Firefly. Cameron became a born-again  Christian Evangelist and most of his work is focused around his religion.

Cameron’s conversation with Morgan is straight out of NOM’s talking pints. He calls homosexuality a “behavior,” and says “just because you feel one way doesn’t mean we should act on everything we feel.” (Sounds eerily familiar to Marcus Bachmann’s comments, doesn’t it?)

Cameron also cams that telling LGBTQ youth and teens that homosexuality is destructive is itself destructive, and, right on cue, Cameron moves to the “morality” argument, ignoring the fact that his “morality” is killing our kids. In Cameron’s world, morality trumps facts — and that’s why religious zealots are so dangerous.

Fortunately, GLAAD responded immediately. They have a petition at Change.org, and released this statement:

“In this interview, Kirk Cameron sounds even more dated than his 1980s TV character,” said Herndon Graddick, Senior Director of Programs at GLAAD. “Cameron is out of step with a growing majority of Americans, particularly people of faith who believe that their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters should be loved and accepted based on their character and not condemned because of their sexual orientation.”

“With an increasing number of states recognizing marriage equality, Americans are seeing that marriage is about committed couples who want to make a lifelong promise to take care of and be responsible for each other and that gay and lesbian couples need equal security and legal protections. That’s not ‘redefining’ anything,” said Graddick.

GLAAD also notes:

GLAAD will be monitoring Cameron’s media bookings and roles with film and television studios to ensure the news and entertainment industry is aware of his outrageous anti-gay views.

Kirk Cameron joins former TV stars Victoria Jackson and Chuck Norris in desperately trying to remain in the public eye by using anti-LGBT rhetoric. Last year, Jackson described a kiss between ‘Glee’ characters Kurt and Blaine as ‘sickening’ and Norris wrote on anti-LGBT site WorldNet Daily that the public education system has devolved into “progressive indoctrination camps” that train students to “forcefully defend issues like abortion and homosexuality, as well as become cultural advocates for political correctness, relativism, globalization, green agendas and tolerance for all.”

GLAAD’s action concerning Kirk Cameron’s anti-gay comments has sparked an important conversation about attitudes of people of faith, particularly Christians, about LGBT people. While some may believe that the only true attitude toward LGBT people is condemnation, it is patently not true. Christians have increasingly found scriptural and doctrinal support for LGBT people, including marriage equality.

“The need to take care of and be responsible for the person that you love is as true for biblical figures as it is for gay and lesbian couples seeking equal security and legal protections today,” stated Ross Murray, GLAAD’s Director of Religion, Faith & Values.

Finally, Huffington Post put together an awesome slideshow of 31 reactions on Twitter from celebrities and (former) Cameron fans about his homophobic comments. Watch it here.

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