Key DADT Repeal Strategist Announces Run To Beat Tea Party Congressman

Trevor Thomas, the former communications director for SLDN, and a man instrumental in repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, has just announced he is running for the U.S. Congress, and aims to beat a freshman Tea Party Congressman. Thomas, who grew up in the Michigan district he hopes now to represent, also spent time working for the highly-influential media watchdog Media Matters, and began his career as a local Michigan reporter.

“It’s time for us to return to the values of Jerry Ford, who put politics aside to do what was best for our country,” Thomas says, referencing the former President who was born in Michigan. “My parents’ generation helped put the world on wheels and furniture in our living rooms. Now it is our time to stand up and fight for Michigan families to ensure they get a fair shake.”

Thomas declared his run for Michigan’s 3rd Congressional district, covering Grand Rapids and Battle Creek, currently held by Tea Party Republican Rep. Justin Amash.

“Democrat Trevor Thomas is seriously considering challenging Rep. Justin Amash (R) in Michigan’s 3rd district,” The Washington Post reported. “Thomas, who was instrumental in the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell as the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network communications director, wrote supporters today to say he ‘will meet with folks in the morning and will make a decision after looking at our research.’”

And a local Michigan blogger notes:

“After spending some time speaking to Trevor Thomas, I came away impressed. He is smart, eloquent, fiery, and charismatic. He is a passionate advocate for the middle class and those without a political voice. At the same time he is pragmatic and a realist. I believe he will appeal to a broad section of Michigan voters. He is pro-Choice, a supporter of the rights of young people, vets and union members and he is decidedly NOT an establishment candidate, something that many voters will find compelling in the current political climate. We’ll wait to hear from Thomas as he makes his decision. In the meantime, we can enjoy the thought of Democrats picking up another House seat and filling it with a progressive voice with energy and passion for fighting for the underdog: Trevor Thomas.”

Act Blue is supporting Trevor Thomas’ run, with a donations page already set up.

Trevor Thomas is on Twitter.

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