Keith Ablow Skewered By Fox News Anchor For Attacking Chaz Bono (Video)

Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly today skewered fellow Fox News employee Dr. Keith Ablow for his attacks on Chaz Bono and his upcoming appearances on “Dancing With The Stars.” It is highly unusual, especially at Fox News, for an on-air anchor to excoriate a Fox News associate, but in this case, as you’ll see in the video below, entirely appropriate, and, if I may say, gratifying.

Ablow has been unrelenting in his insistence — which he restated in this interview — that watching Chaz Bono, a transgender man, could make children transgender. At one point, Kelly, a former practicing lawyer of nine years, point blank tells Ablow there is no basis or facts that support his theory. Ablow’s retort? “There’s no evidence that watching will not cause some problems for your kids in terms of their sexual identities.”

Ablow says in this video that Chaz Bono has been “touted as the second coming of Ghandi.”

READ: Chaz Bono Shows Fox Who’s Boss: “We Are Boycotting Fox”

At another point, Ablow, so full of himself, suggests that he might know more about gender dysphoria and gender identity disorders than Dr, Jack Drescher, the man working on the latest version of the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,” better-known as the DSM, which is essentially the bible for the mental health profession.

READ: Dr. Keith Ablow’s Fox News Piece On Chaz Bono? Don’t Let Your Kids Read It!

Kelly tells Ablow, “There’s so much hate for gays, and lesbians, and transgender people, the thing is, Doc, you seem to be adding to the hate. You went out there and you compared Chaz Bono to someone who thinks they’re a zebra, and a farm animal.”

Ablow ends by saying if Chaz Bono asked him if he, Chaz, were a man, “I’d say no, brother, you’re not.”

While we don’t generally find much worthy substance on Fox News, Megyn Kelly in this interview deserves a standing ovation.


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