Kardashian Divorce, Not Gay Marriage, Exemplifies Threats To Marriage

Kim Kardashian filed for divorce today after a mere 72 days of marriage. Citing “irreconcilable differences,” the soon-to-be former Mrs. Kris Humphries will not even bother with the charade of an annulment. The wedding itself cost an estimated $10 million, and, highlighting the media’s newly-found love of short division, means the marriage cost $138,888 a day. On top of that, New York Times’ reporter Don Van Natta, Jr., today wrote, via Twitter, “Kim Kardashian sold the rights to her wedding for $17.9 million. Her marriage lasted 72 days. That comes to a nifty $10,358.80 per hour.”

But the real story here is not the media’s obsession with the Kardashian Universe, but the Right’s obsession with gay marriage.

The Right continues to push the illogical and down-right false concept that same-sex marriage threatens opposite sex marriages, because, as they claim, two men or two women, madly in love, cannot possibly understand the true love and God’s divine idea of a civil marriage between one man and one woman.

True love and God’s divine idea of a civil marriage between one man and one woman, like, for example, Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries. Or, say, the 55-hour marriage of Britney Spears and Jason Allen Alexander, or, say, Zsa Zsa Gabor’s nine marriages (including one in 1983 that lasted one day), or, Alan Jay Lerner, Mickey Rooney, Elizabeth Taylor, Artie Shaw, Lana Turner, or Larry King’s eight marriages each, or, say, the three marriages each of Tom Cruise or Newt Gingrich, or, perhaps, if you like, Pamela Anderson’s marriage to rocker Tommy Lee which took place after their first meeting 96 hours earlier. Or perhaps Pamela Anderson’s four-month long marriage to Rick Salomon, or perhaps Pamela Anderson’s four month long marriage to Kid Rock.

Or perhaps threatening the institution of marriage would be marriages like that of Joseph Smith, Jr., who in his short 38-year lifespan managed to found Mitt Romney’s and Jon Huntsman’s Mormon religion, and marry 34 women — not consecutively, but with many, many, many polygamous overlaps.

What really threatens the institution of marriage?

Divorce. Divorce, and all the issues that tear couples apart, leading to divorce, like financial problems, job loss, medical expenses, and so on. All the things that the right are fighting to not fix, and that those on the left are fighting to fix.

The next time our Republican House of Representatives block the President’s jobs bill, they’re really saying, “Cheers for more divorces!” The next time any lawmaker attacks the Affordable Care Act, they’re really saying, “Cheers for more divorces!”

Divorce is what threatens marriage — not gay marriage.

It’s time to stomp out this nasty lie, once and for all.

(Image: Facebook)

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