John Roberts Activist Supreme Court Voids Law Banning Animal Cruelty Videos

John Roberts, the Supreme Court Chief Justice, in writing the majority opinion in U.S. v. Stevens, today struck down a law that prohibited videos and images of animal cruelty, claiming it violated free speech. The images and videos in these animal cruelty cases are called “crush videos,” which depict acts of women, often in high heels, literally torturing and crushing to death small animals with their heels. These videos were sold as sex fetish video entertainment.

Via The New York Times:

In dissent, Justice Samuel Alito said the harm animals suffer in dogfights is enough to sustain the law.

Alito said the ruling probably will spur new crush videos because it has ”the practical effect of legalizing the sale of such videos.”

Animal rights groups, including the Humane Society of the United States and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and 26 states joined the Obama administration in support of the law. The government sought a ruling that treated videos showing animal cruelty like child pornography, not entitled to constitutional protection.

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, it seems, believes that money is free speech, crushing small defenseless animals to death with stilettos is free speech, but a president expressing his opinion at his State of the Union Address on a Supreme Court decision is over the line.

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts lied to America when he told Congress he did not believe in activist judges. He has not only moved the court into making law, he has moved America into a fetish-fest of corporate greed and animal torture.

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