Joe The Plumber Is “Actually Glad Barack Obama Got In”

Joe The Plumber, now Congressional candidate Joe Wurzelbacher, says he is “actually glad Barack Obama got in [the White House], because with John McCain it would have been a slower death to our country.” Wurzelbacher, who has said “I wouldn’t have [gays] anywhere near my children,” says he thinks a populist message will do him well in his home state of Ohio, and is disappointed no one in the media ever asked him exactly what he agreed with of then-presidential candidate John McCain. “I would have had to say, well — nothing … he’s part of the problem — he’s been there forever,” Mr. The Plumber told Matt K. Lewis in a Daily Caller interview published today.

Not surprisingly, Wurzelbacher says, wrongly, “We spend an awful lot of money overseas.” Because that’s what you’re supposed to say if you’re a Republican, despite the fact that America is the least-generous country in foreign aid spending. Yes, the least, at a mere 0.19% of GDP.

Joe The Plumber actually won a Republican Party seat last year, the year after he decided to come out as an uber-homophobe.

“At a state level, it’s up to them,” Wurzelbacher said of states rights on same-sex marriage equality. “I don’t want it to be a federal thing. I personally still think it’s wrong. People don’t understand the dictionary – it’s called queer. Queer means strange and unusual. It’s not like a slur, like you would call a white person a honky or something like that. You know, God is pretty explicit in what we’re supposed to do – what man and woman are for. Now, at the same time, we’re supposed to love everybody and accept people, and preach against the sins. I’ve had some friends that are actually homosexual. And, I mean, they know where I stand, and they know that I wouldn’t have them anywhere near my children. But at the same time, they’re people, and they’re going to do their thing.”

Lovely. Should be an interesting race — to the bottom.


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