It’s True! Mitt Romney’s ‘Amercia’ IS Different

Mitt Romney released an iPhone app that allows users to place Romney-friendly ad slogans over their own photos. The only problem is the Romney campaign spelled “America” “Amercia.” Yes, when running for president of the United States of America, it’s good to know how to spell it.

The Wall Street Journal writes that yesterday, the “icing on the cake was the glitch in a Romney campaign Web app, ‘With Mitt.’ The app lets users take pictures with various Romney campaign slogans overlaid on them, and then send them to friends or post them online. Themes include ‘American Greatness,’ ‘We’re With Mitt,’ and ‘A Better Amercia./ That’s right, Amercia. A simple typo, but embarrassing, and the Twitterverse hopped on it late Tuesday. A roundup of tweets, Facebook post and instragram photos, below.”

[View the story “A Better Amercia: Romney App Typo Goes Viral” on Storify]

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