It’s Official: Less Than One Third Of America Likes The GOP

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Ouch. A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll reveals the GOP has only a 30 percent favorable approval rating, even lower than before the November election. And before the right wing nuts claim “liberal media bias,” that’s NBC and the Wall Street Journal –Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal. Rupert Murdoch, as in, the owner of Fox News.

Via MSNBC’s First Read blog today:

The GOP’s fav/unfav rating in the poll now stands at 30%/45% (minus-15), which is down from 36%/43% (minus-7) right before the election. That’s compared with the Democratic Party’s 44%/35% rating (plus-9). And other than self-described Republicans and conservatives, just two other groups have a net positive view of the GOP: folks who live in rural America (39%/33%) and folks who live in the South (39%/38%), that’s it. What’s more, asked to give a word or short phrase to describe the Republican Party, 65% offered a negative comment, including MORE THAN HALF of Republicans. The top responses: “Bad,” “weak,” “negative,” “uncompromising,” “need to work together,” “broken,” “disorganized” and “lost.” By contrast, 37% gave negative descriptions of the Democratic Party, while 35% were positive.


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