It’s Not Over ‘Til…

Guess What?

New York Governor David Paterson is calling an “extraordinary session” of the state Senate tomorrow, in hopes that they will address the dozens of bills necessary to keep the state in business. The Governor cannot force the Senate to vote on any bill, but he can force them to convene, even to show up, enlisting the help of the state police if need be. Paterson said Sunday he will force the Senate into session every day, including weekends and holidays, if he needs to.

However, Sunday, The New York Times reports that gay marriage will not be on the agenda.

“But Mr. Paterson dismayed gay rights groups in his comments at a news conference early Sunday afternoon, when he said same-sex marriage would not be on the special session’s agenda.”

But others are reporting today that the gay marriage bill will be taken up for a vote. On local New York City radio station WNYC, Governor Paterson said,

“Interesting ideas or controversial pieces of legislation have always come to Albany to die. We’re changing the culture here. We’re going to give a hearing to those issues that the people want the legislature to deliberate on.”

Then, the station reported,

“The governor reversed his position from yesterday when he said he wasn’t sure if the gay marriage bill would come to a vote. A strong opponent of the measure, Bronx Senator Ruben Diaz, says he’ll fight it. A spokesman says Diaz remains committed to the Democratic party.”

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