Is The Right’s Attempt To Repeal The 14th Amendment An Excuse To Kill Marriage Equality?

You’ve heard the growing roar, with the crescendo unleashed by supposed moderate GOP Senator Lindsey Graham this week: the fourteenth amendment is ‘outdated.’ There’s been growing chatter from the Right that the fourteenth amendment should be repealed.

Via Politico:

“I’m looking at the laws that exist and see if it makes sense today,” Graham said. “Birthright citizenship doesn’t make so much sense when you understand the world as it is.”

“We ought to have a logical discussion.”

This talk has been focused on immigration and so-called “anchor babies,” children — born in the US, of “illegal immigrant” parents — who, thanks to the fourteenth amendment automatically receive US citizenship.

The fourteenth amendment codifies citizenship rights, but it also includes the “due process” and “equal protection” clauses, on which Prop 8 was declared unconstitutional.

Isn’t it interesting how the fourteenth amendment is being attacked from the Right on immigration “concerns,” yet it is also the reason used to invalidate and declare unconstitutional, California’s Prop 8?

I won’t bow to conspiracy theories. But I will say this: cries from the Left of right-wing racism are not only true, they are insufficiently so.

Homophobia isn’t racism, but it’s certainly practiced by the same folks.

Hello, Tea Party?…

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