Ironically, Breitbart Quits GOProud: Says He Has Zero Tolerance For Inflicting Vocational Harm

In an amazing display of flip-floppiness, “yellow journalist” Andrew Breitbart quits GOProud because he has decided he might have a shred of misplaced human decency after all.

Andrew Breitbart, the radical Tea Party media mogul best-known as a purveyor of misleading and faulty — if not outright false —  information that has led to thousands losing their jobs, has quit his GOProud Advisory Board post after less than a year, in response to the “outing” of Tony Fabrizio, a Rick Perry pollster and senior operative. GOProud is the gay Tea Party group best known for its irrelevant Left-bashing, and for its association with and blind support of anti-gay politicians, along with incessant inflammatory rhetoric.

WATCH: Breitbart Fantasizes About Killing Liberals: “We outnumber them and we have the guns”

GOProud co-founder Jimmy LaSalvia Wednesday lashed out via Twitter, writing, “I’ve just about had it with faggots who line their pockets with checks from anti-gay homophobes while throwing the rest of us under the bus.” LaSalvia shortly thereafter clarified, tweeting, “Rick Perry’s pollster & strategist is a gay guy. Totally disgusting.” LasSalvia was referring to Tony Fabrizio.

Will Kohler of Back2Stonewall was one of the first to report the subject of the outing, asking, “So is Fabzrio [sic] the strategist behind Perry’s recent attacks on the LGBT Community to cowtow to the extreme religious right nothing more than a greedy self loathing closet case ala Ken Mehlman?”

Apparently, LaSalvia had decided to become upset by the release of Rick Perry’s anti-gay and now viral video, “Strong,” in which Perry states, “I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a Christian, but you don’t need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there’s something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school.” The video is now the most-disliked video in YouTube history.

READ: Ironic? Breitbart Blames Stewart For “Manipulative, Dishonest” Video.

LaSalvia, however, rarely if ever comes out to attack the repeated gay-bashing GOP politicians commit daily, and neglected to note that Tony Fabrizio in fact had strongly objected to the Perry ad, as Sam Stein at the Huffington Post noted the following day.

For their part, GOProud issued a statement Friday, two days after LaSalvia’s tweet, stating, “Let us be crystal clear, however, Tony Fabrizio is not the victim here,” and adding, in their defense, “From the time this organization was founded we have been clear in our opposition to outing. We would never intentionally out anyone,” adding, “we did not believe there was any question about his sexual orientation.”

In announcing his resignation from the GOProud board, Andrew Breitbart stated, “I have a zero tolerance attitude toward the intentional infliction of vocational and family harm by divulging the details of an individual’s sexual orientation as a weapon of political destruction.”


READ: Breitbart “Misrepresents,” Actually Gets Fired For It This Time!

Breitbart — whom New York Magazine refers to as a “yellow journalist” – had no difficulty publishing misleading information that led to the firing of Shirley Sherrod, a federal official, and also the flagrantly false video that led to the destruction of ACORN.

“‘Vocational and family harm’ are always tragic,” Brandon K. Thorp at Towleroad wrote today, pondering the irony. “But I wonder: Why does Breibart feel so keenly for the family and wallet of Mr. Fabrizio after displaying nothing but contempt for the families and wallets of the working-class ACORN staffers he and his pal James O’Keefe so willfully misrepresented back in 2009? And why didn’t he feel any sympathy for Shirley Sherrod, whose career he attempted to destroy with baseless charges of racism? Those individuals actually lost their jobs, which so far Fabrizio has not, and the ACORN workers didn’t even have any fancy beltway connections to help them land on their feet.”

Apparently, Breitbart’s “zero tolerance attitude” applies only to conservatives?

Breitbart is not the first to quit the gay Tea Party group. Earlier this year, right wing radio host and lesbian Tammy Bruce hung up her GOProud cleats after GOProud co-founder Chris Barron called anti-gay activist Cleta Mitchell a “bigot.”

Famous gay activist and the Managing Director and partner of Raw Story Media, Michael Rogers, well-known for outing as gay anti-gay politicians,wrote via Twitter yesterday, “@goproud @chrisrbarron Welcome to the team that supports the exposing of anti-gay hypocrites. I knew you guys would see the light.”

Whatever your stance on the outing of Tony Fabrizio, I hope we can all agree that GOProud’s entire existence serves little to no positive purpose, and their constant attention-seeking and offensive and arrogant behavior, including but far from limited to unwarranted attacks on the Left, only serves to depreciate the LGBT community in the eyes of the right, who often already despise us.

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