In Santorum Ad Obama Is Ahmadinejad And Re-Election Means Nuclear War With Iran

The latest ad campaign from Rick Santorum literally paints President Obama as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and strongly suggests that if Barack Obama is re-elected, America will face a nuclear war with Iran. The ad, the first of an eight-part series titled “Obamaville,” portrays small town America as a horror story, complete with a flying crow, 1930’s Dust Bowl imagery. The kicker? An image of Obama morphs into Ahmadinejad as the voice-over says, “sworn American enemy.”

Subtle? Not so much.

Noting that “the music, narration and visuals could have sprung from the mind of Stephen King,” NPR writes,

The trailer, which previews a video series Santorum’s campaign plans to unveil on its website in coming days, depicts a dystopian future where everything bad that can happen does, save for Hunger Games-like fights to the death between teens.

Actually, that’s an exaggeration. The future horrors in an Obama second term are all the common GOP bill of particulars against him: high gas prices and jobless rates, the loss of religious freedom, Iranian appeasement, in short the usual suspects.

Politico reports:

The script: “Imagine a small American town two years from now, if Obama is reelected. Small business are struggling and families are worried about their jobs and their future The wait to see a doctor is ever increasing. Gas prices, through the roof. The freedom of religion, under attack. And every day, the residents of this town must come to grips with reality that a rogue nation and sworn American enemy has become a nuclear threat. Welcome to a place where one president’s failed policies really hit home. Welcome to Obamaville: more than a town, a cautionary tale. Coming soon to RickSantorum.com.”

The Huffington Post notes:

The ad runs through a list of issues plaguing the town’s residents, including long waits at the doctor’s office, high gas prices and restrictions on religion.

But the ad’s kicker comes about halfway through, when the narrator details the current state of U.S.-Iran relations.

“This town must come to grips with the harsh reality that a world nation and sworn American enemy has become a nuclear threat,” he says, as an image of Ahmadinejad on a television quickly cuts to Obama, and then back again to the Iranian president.

“Welcome to Obamaville,” the ad concludes. “More than a town, a cautionary tale.”

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