In 2007 Elizabeth Edwards Spoke Out For Gay Marriage And Against DADT

“We need a universal understanding of what it means to be gay in America today.”

In July, 2007, Elizabeth Edwards, who passed away just this morning of breast cancer, spoke at the Human Rights Campaign Dinner in San Francisco, on a variety of topics. Edwards, wife of former presidential-candidate John Edwards, spoke out in support of same-sex marriage, against “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” and in favor of a national hate crimes bill. It is believed she is the first presidential-candidate’s wife to take these positions, as did her husband.

Rattling them off as if they were the names of a mother’s children, Elizabeth Edwards said she and John were fighting for, “the reform of 1100 federal laws that discriminate against same-sex couples, the end of the foolish “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy — the Department of Defense –  this is, I have to say, a policy that didn’t become wrong, it was always wrong.”

Edwards likened the hate crime death of Satendar Singh to that of Matthew Shepard, and said that “I believe that violence was possible because first there were words of hate.”

Mrs. Edwards also spoke eloquently of the vicious hate that came from Ann Coulter.

Watch the entire video. Please.

Our thoughts tonight are with the entire Edwards family.

President Obama issued this statement:

“Michelle and I were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Elizabeth Edwards.  This afternoon I spoke to Cate Edwards and John Edwards, and offered our family’s condolences.  I came to know and admire Elizabeth over the course of the presidential campaign.  She was a tenacious advocate for fixing our health care system and fighting poverty, and our country has benefited from the voice she gave to the cause of building a society that lifts up all those left behind.

“In her life, Elizabeth Edwards knew tragedy and pain.  Many others would have turned inward; many others in the face of such adversity would have given up.  But through all that she endured, Elizabeth revealed a kind of fortitude and grace that will long remain a source of inspiration.  Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends.”

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