If You’re Gay, And Defend Your Rights, Erick Erickson Thinks You’re Acting Like A Nazi

Erick Erickson, founder and managing editor of RedState.com, on his personal blog AND on RedState.com, wrote,

“Yes, I know about Goodwin’s law, but comparing gay rights activists to the Nazis is fitting. They’ve gone from being persecuted to persecuting. Of course, they’ll say it is all in the fight for their civil rights — much like the Nazis needed to go after people to make things right.”

Ignore the fact that there is no “Goodwin’s Law”, it’s Godwin’s Law, which states that “overuse of Nazi and Hitler comparisons should be avoided, because it robs the valid comparisons of their impact.” (Yes, Mr. Erickson is a lawyer.) 

So, person A says: “You are gay, therefore you do not deserve to be protected by The Bill of Rights.”

Person B, who is gay, says: “You are incorrect. The Bill of Rights applies to all citizens in the United States.”

This simple exchange, according to Mr. Erickson, means you are acting like a Nazi. 

Go figure.

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