I Can’t Hear Your ‘Noise’ Says NOM Leader, Calling Gay Marriage ‘Government Registry Of Friendships’

Jennifer Roback Morse, the president of the National Organization For Marriage‘s Ruth Institute, addressed a small anti-equality Minnesota For Marriage group and told them that same-sex marriage is “nothing more than a government registry of friendships.” In the cold of the Land of 10,000 Lakes on Saturday, Roback Morse also demonstrated how she prevents herself from hearing the arguments of advocates of equality: she says marriage equality advocates are merely producing “noise” so she puts on headphones.

Yes, headphones.

But it isn’t what Roback Morse is hearing that’s the problem.

Morse’s claim that courts “understand” that it’s “ok to treat different things differently.”

That’s false.

Her claim that the courts support the idea that marriage is for procreation? False. That argument has been tossed out. California did it in 2005 — which ultimately prompted Prop 8, which is how we got to today.

And then Roback Morse actually called for booing now-retired United States federal District Court judge Vaughn Walker.

Booing? A federal judge? Really?

And then Roback Morse, in her infinite logic, said that equality supporters are “removing the gender requirement” from marriage, so the next step will be to remove the entire institution of marriage from society.

Because, the gays.

Roback Morse also says that there’s been “too much” of gay people having children and “I am not going to stand by and let that happen — not on my watch.”

 at Bluestem Prairie, who recorded the video, has a transcript and some excellent thoughts and analysis on the speech, from the point of view of a Minnesota resident — definitely worth reading.

Hat tip Good As You, video via Bluestem Prairie

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