Hypocrisy: AFA Calls For GAP Boycott In War On War On Christmas

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The American Family Association is waging a war on the War on Christmas by asking its supporters to boycott all GAP, Inc. stores, including The Gap, Old Navy, and Banana Republic.

“AFA is calling for a limited two-month boycott of Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic, the three stores owned by San Francisco-based Gap Inc., over the company’s censorship of the word “Christmas,” the AFA’s website states:

For years, the Gap companies have refused to use the word Christmas on their websites, in television commercials, newspaper ads and in-store promotions, despite tens of thousands of consumer requests to recognize Christmas and in spite of repeated requests from AFA to do the same.

“Need proof?,” the AFA “Scrooge Alert” reads:

“Go to www.gap.com or www.oldnavy.com and type “Christmas” in the search bar. As of today, the websites bring up zero results. In fact, Old Navy’s site gives an error message.”

You’ll find “holiday” picks, “holiday” wonderland, “holiday” anthem and a “holiday” gift guide, but you won’t find “Christmas.”

Gap and Old Navy are censoring the word Christmas, pure and simple. Yet the company wants all the people who celebrate Christmas to do their shopping at their stores. Until Gap proves it recognizes Christmas by using it in their newspaper, radio and television advertising or in-store signage, the boycott will be promoted.

Note they don’t direct supporters to BananaRepublic.com, because they do use the word “Christmas” there.

And when people search for “Christmas” at The Gap and Old Navy, what do they find?


While we searched the AFA website and Google, and the AFA’s American Family Association Foundation, their “charity” — which seems better suited to taking money than giving it — we could find no evidence that the American Family Association has donated any money, much less $1 million, to the Hurricane Sandy victims.

But guess what the American Family Association did “donate” $1 million to?

Rick Perry’s August 2011 prayer rally and presidential campaign kick-off, that was billed as a Christian convention designed to ask “God to save America from the ‘sea of moral relativism’,” according to Business Insider.

Nevertheless, back to the war on the so-called war on Christmas, which is actually a ludicrous PR campaign.

Perhaps the LGBT community can wage a real PR campaign focused on the American Family Association, a Southern Poverty Law Center certified anti-gay hate group, asking them to stop calling us “homosexuals,” since we know they use it as a demeaning word?

Perhaps the LGBT community and our supporters can wage a real PR campaign focused on the American Family Association and ask them to stop lying about LGBT people?

Perhaps the LGBT community and our supporters can wage a real PR campaign focused on the American Family Association and ask them to have their spokesperson, Bryan Fischer, stop stop equating homosexuality with pedophilia, stop suggesting gay people must not be allowed to adopt children, raise them, or even be alone in the same room with them, stop claiming gays “are Nazis,” stop claiming AIDS is not caused by HIV, stop saying the HIV-AIDS link is a “hoax,” and a “scam,” stop saying that people with AIDS “reap what they sow,” and stop claiming 96% of gays are drug users, and have hundreds, sometimes over 1000 sex partners.

And perhaps the American Family Association can remember what Christmas is supposed to really be about?

The American Family Association Foundation did not immediately respond to an email requesting comment on this article.

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