Hyphenating Michelle Malkin Hyperventilates Over A Hyphenated America

Assimilation and the Founding Fathers,” Michelle Malkin’s Independence Day diatribe over at Human Events, focused on the president’s immigration speech, and ends with,

“Many of us still have faith in a strong, sovereign America — the unhyphenated, the law-abiding, the gratitude-filled sons and daughters and grandchildren of legal immigrants for whom such distinctions still matter. But it’s no thanks to the assimilation saboteurs who put “one world” over “one nation under God.”

In it she hypocritically offers the following new breeds of Americans:

Left-wing academics

pro-amnesty extremists

gratitude-filled sons and daughters…

Malkin, a gay-hating ultra right-wing conservative and one of the founders of the “Tea Party,” and ever the “Patriot,” earlier this year wrote, “It wouldn’t bother me in the least if I didn’t have representation in the House or Senate — I rarely do anyway — or couldn’t vote for president, if the tradeoff was that I didn’t have to pay US income taxes…”

It truly worries me that she is raising children.

But this bit of hyperbolic, hyphenating-hysteria forced me to take a look at Michelle’s other work, namely, her blog, and find some other hypocritical examples. After all, we’re talking about Michelle Malkin, America’s Hypocrite, the “anchor baby” who hates anchor babies, the daughter of Asian parents who, despite her parentage, wrote a book supporting America’s Japanese internment camps, the woman who hails motherhood yet writes like a drunken sailor… You get the idea.

Here are a few more hyphenations, courtesy of the hypocritical Michelle Malkin:


open-borders crusaders


right-thinking moms

open-borders nitwittery

open-borders no-longer-a-nation

Malkin also offers these ism-s and other adjectives that she should copyright, as they’re clearly the product of a very creative imagination:


ethnic militancy

borderless continent

amnesty mob


But perhaps the most appropriate Michelle Malkin hypocritical hyphenate:



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