Huckabee Parlaying Chick-Fil-A Day Into Anti-Gay Get Out The Vote Campaign

Pastor Mike Huckabee, who created Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day (contrary to NOM’s initial claims), is now using all the contacts, email addresses, Facebook information — and enthusiasm — he amassed, to create what he hopes will be a “viral” anti-gay, anti-abortion get out the vote (GOTV) campaign that relies on awakening the inner anti-gay hate he believes is locked within “the silent majority,” to “stand together with one voice to determine the future of the Republic.”

“I firmly believe our very republic is in danger. Those of us who love liberty must rally together for a better future,” Huckabee writes in an letter-like promotion hosted by an infamous “Religious Right voter mobilization effort,” called Champion The Vote:

Over the last four years, we’ve stagnated into an economy that has taken hope right down the slope and has left millions without jobs. Our neighbors have been forced out of their homes by foreclosure and herded into dependency.

We cannot be silent when the traditional definition of marriage is threatened, when human life is considered disposable and expendable, and when people of faith are told that they have to bow their knees to the God of government and violate their faith and conscience.

Huckabee, a top supporter of Congressman Todd “legitimate rape” Akin, makes a rather curious link here, “neighbors have been forced out of their homes by foreclosure and herded into dependency,” (a la the Romney 47% meme) and in the next paragraph, “the traditional definition of marriage is threatened.”

You joined with me on August 1 for “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.” We grew an idea into an event where the silent majority came forward and stood together in support of free speech. Today, I am asking that these same Americans, and their friends and family, rally together once again for America. The goal is simple: Let’s stand together and vote together on November 6th. We stood in line for a chicken sandwich. Now we need to stand in line to vote and keep this country from falling further toward collectivism.

Like we did on August 1st, let us rally together using social media. A website/Facebook page has been created at www.OurVoteDecides.com. I will promote this address through all of my information channels and ask every committed voter to RSVP. I hope you will join me and use your Twitter account, Facebook page, pulpit, or printed word to share this simple message with your friends, family, and followers:

Let us stand together with one voice to determine the future of the Republic. Our Vote Decides!

Huckabee, and his buddy in bigotry, Chuck Norris, believe  there are 30 million Christian Evangelicals who did not vote in the 2008 election, handing the win to Barack Obama. Whether or not that is factual, what is true is there is a rising force in the anti-gay Evangelical crowd who are mobilizing.

Earlier this month, Huckabee, an ordained Southern Baptist preacher, charged — falsely — that President Obama never uses the words “God” or “Creator” when speaking or when “paraphrasing the Constitution.”

Hat tip: Right Wing Watch


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Listen: Chick-Fil-A, Mike Huckabee And NOM — Amazing Lies And Hypocrisy

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