How The Right Perpetuates Its Own Ignorance

It’s been a big week for GOP and Tea Party ignorance. Christine O’Donnell may very well go down in history as one of the greatest mistakes voters ever made. But here’s a lesson I learned this week: How the right perpetuates its own ignorance, and holds on to ignorance for dear life.

Consider this:

On Wednesday morning, I posted, “Every GOP Senate Candidate — Except One — Denies Climate Change.” Thursday, I posted a “new” piece, “Thanks To Christine O’Donnell, Now, EVERY G.O.P. Senate Candidate Denies Global Warming.” O’Donnell’s craziness (or, the craziness of 30,000 or so Delaware Republican voters) knocked out Mike Castle — the ONLY GOP Senate candidate who supported the concept of climate change.

Throughout the course of this temporary focus on climate change, someone I don’t know started an exchange with me on Twitter. I’m going to post it for you below.

I realized it explains so much about how the Right refuses to look at anything that doesn’t support their prejudices.

Here’s the exchange. It’s Twitter, so you’ll have to read it from the bottom up. Sorry, it’s a bit long, but worthwhile. And sorry about the fuzziness of the font, but you should be able to read it well enough. (If you can’t, for a day or two more it should be available here.)

So, at this point, you need to know what “article” he sent me to. It was, indeed titled, “32,000 Scientists Against Global Warming.” Well, actually, it was titled, “32,000 Scientists Against Global Warming?” And that question mark made all the difference. Click on the link if you want to see it, or simply watch the video below, which is at that site.

My twitter buddy didn’t bother to go to the site or to see what was there. He just looked at the title and (erroneously) interpreted it, and threw it back at me without realizing what he had done.

The video debunks not only the Right’s ridiculous claim the there are 32,000 Scientists Against Global Warming. It explains how the Right lied to get to that false claim.

Something the Right does. (1) They lie. (2) They get people to believe the lie, or at least, they introduce doubt and let the doubt sway those open to their lies into believing them.

Kind of like what Newt Gingrich and Dinesh D’Souza did last week.


(Oh, and for the story about the “Obama tire gauge” image? Click here. Game, set, match.)

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