How Do You Spell “Repeal?” “M-U-R + K-O-W + S-K-I”

Sarah Palin today must be really pissed. In her home state of Alaska, not only did her hand-chosen and long-time family-feud inspired Tea Party pick of Joe Miller for Senate lose to the greatest write-in candidate in fifty-years, but now Lisa Murkowski has just said she will join a small but growing number of Republicans and vote to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

Guess the Republican National Committee is pretty pissed, too, they backed the wrong horse. Or, um, perhaps “moose” is the more appropriate term?

Igor Volsky of The Wonk Room offers the following video and reports, “this afternoon, during an interview with KTV’s Matt Felling in Alaska, Murkowski said that she would “not vote against a bill that had that repeal in it.”

“Felling appeared on CNN this afternoon to preview the interview:

FELLING: And then I pursued the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell vote because that’s something that she’s been very reluctant to talk about because she wanted to hear from the troops and kick the can down the road. And then today she said, listen there have been leaks out of this poll inside the Pentagon, saying the troops are fine with it being repealed and you know, we are a different sort of warfare there aren’t trenches there aren’t fox holes anymore, I would not vote against a bill that had that repeal in it. And that’s honestly the first time she came swinging on that topic too.”

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