How Do You Spell “Marriage”?

NOM Airs Ads In NYC, Albany. Spells Marriage Wrong



Conservatives often write gay “marriage” as if it weren’t real, as if it were some sort of liberal oxymoron. Maggie Gallagher’s National Organization for Marriage is airing an anti-gay marriage ad on local New York television and radio stations. Here’s a bit more via The Advocate:

“Think same-sex marriage doesn’t affect your family?” asks the narrator, in twang-inflected speech that sounds curiously out of step for the New York market. “Legalizing gay marriage has consequences for kids.”

The spot, which will run through Sunday in New York City and Albany, aims to tackle arguments that marriage equality will have no impact on religious liberty. It is part of $100,000 of media spending that includes a radio ad. NOM also has paid for automated calls in more than 24 senate districts, and a billboard in Times Square.”

In the ad, NOM didn’t write “marriage” but they did write “marraige”. You’d think Maggie, who reportedly spent over $100,000 of her money (that’ a lot out-of-pocket) would have proofed it first. We all make typos, (myself included) but typos airing in markets of eight million really don’t make one look good. Of course, NOM’s message doesn’t help Conservatives either.

Just curious why this is NOM’s first ad (not including The Gathering Storm) that features African-Americans?

UPDATE: 06.01.09: Looks like NOM has finally figured out their ad was wrong. They fixed the spelling. The new NOM ad can be viewed here, should you choose to do so. Glad I grabbed a screenshot of the one to document their error (top image above).

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