Homosexuality: Hate Group Head Promises He’ll Shut Up When You Accept His View

If you want American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer to finally be quiet on issues of homosexuality, you’ll have to accept his world view on the topic. Fischer, who preaches via American Family Association’s 200 radio stations in 40 states, plus their Internet site, said Monday in a blog post, “I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, until everyone in the United States agrees with me. America must choose between homosexuality and religious liberty, because we cannot have both. America must choose between homosexuality and freedom of speech, because we cannot have both. America must choose between homosexuality and freedom, because we cannot have both.”

The American Family Association is a certified anti-gay hate group, and happens to be the same group that spent a million dollars to sponsor Rick Perry’s “prayer fest” earlier this month.

Fischer, continuing his now ten-part series, “Homosexual bigots commit hate crimes,” writes about the Florida teacher, Jerry Buell, under suspension for writing via Facebook that same-sex marriage makes him want to vomit. Fischer wrongly state, “Another individual has been targeted for a hate crime because homosexual activists and others are motivated by prejudice against his religion.”

No hate crimes here, though legal scholars may want to wrestle with the true term “hate speech,” but in America there’s no law against that.

Fischer threatens, “If getting fired from your job for exercising your constitutional right to freedom of speech isn’t harassment, I don’t know what is.”

Because if the situation were reversed, and the Florida teacher had come out in support of same-sex marriage, and been gay, and got fired, Fischer would of course rush to his aid, right?

Of course not.

In Fischer’s tiny world, things only work his way. Which is why, if you don’t support his view of the world, he will not shut up. So he says.

Fischer writes,

Buell [the Florida teacher] correctly observes that this is an all-out attack on Christian teachers and a Christian worldview. “There is an intimidation factor if you are a Christian or if you make a statement against it (gay marriage) you are a bigot, a homophobe, you’re a creep, you’re intolerant. We should have the right to express our opinions and talk about things.”

A former student called his remarks “hateful language.” Bizarrely, truth has now become hate speech in the world of secular fundamentalism.

He adds that Buell is “exactly the kind of teacher we want filling every classroom in America, a principle-driven man of values and genuine interest in the welfare of his students. Rather than being punished, he should be honored and celebrated by the very people who have given him an in-house suspension, the kind of thing you do with disruptive students.”

Because being an LGBTQ student and knowing your teacher would vomit at the thought of you getting married makes for a quality, safe, supportive learning experience?

Let’s remember one thing. Teachers are in schools for the kids. Not the other way around.

Finally, for those unfamiliar with the hate group leader, Fischer recently claimed that criticism of Marcus and Michele Bachmann over the practice of “ex-​gay therapy” is both religious bigotry and a hate crime, and the Norway terrorist would have made a good Muslim.

Fischer recently said, “we cannot have the homosexual agenda and liberty. Those two things are incompatible,” and, “Hitler Was A Homosexual”.

For those of you who may have forgotten, here are a few of Fischer’s other lies:

We Know People Turn Gay Because Pregnancy Diminishes In High-​Density Population Rats

Bryan Fischer: Using My Words To Prove My Hate Of Gays Is A Hate Crime

Bryan Fischer: Nazi Party “Formed In A Gay Bar” By “Homosexual Thugs”

DADT Repeal Will Lead To Draft, Gays Will Want Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Back

Gays Will Make Christian Military Officers Victims Of Virtual Genocide Hate Crimes

Gays Are Nazis

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