Homophobia, Taught At An Early Age

Originally, I wanted to write a piece about a challenging yet inspiring event that happened during our trip to Las Vegas. But now I see there’s an even bigger picture. So, here you have it: Homophobia, Taught At An Early Age: a two-parter!

Part One:

Sunday night, Caleb and I were enjoying a couple of sinfully-delicious chocolate and raspberry crepes at the Bellagio’s “Jean-Philippe Patisserie.” They were incredible! While we were sitting down, two young teenagers came and sat down next to us. I was far too involved with my crepe (it had whipped cream!) to pay attention, but all of a sudden one of the teenagers starts yelling, “Paging Doctor Faggot!” Repeatedly.

To be honest, I didn’t think they were referring to us, although they easily could have been. We were feeding each other bites of our crepes.

All of a sudden, a same-sex couple walked up to them. One of the guys said, “Watch your mouth. You never know where the faggots around you are.” The kids were dumb-founded. It was priceless.

A few minutes later, their mother came up to them, oblivious to her offsprings’ misdeeds. Caleb kept me from having a conversation (read: shouting match) with her. So, instead, I went up to the couple and thanked them, and gave them my card.

I confess I probably would not have said anything to the kids because, well, they’re kids. And that was wrong of me. Because, in hindsight, if they’re old enough to spew hate and homophobia, they’re old enough to be told it’s wrong. Especially if their own mother is too busy to notice. (I’d like to believe she would have grounded them had she known what they were saying…)

I will say, having a snappy comeback, like the couple who chastised the teenagers, is a good idea.

Part II: Never Too Young To Be Taught To Hate…

As we all know, NOM, the National Organization for (Straight-only) Marriage, is on their stupid “Summer For Marriagebigotry bus tour.

They’ve been causing a stir, and enabling homophobic acts of aggression.

NOM founder Maggie Gallager posted this photo today, via Twitter, with the comment, “The next generation of NOM supporters. Don’t Mess with Marriage!” Truly sick. (Gotta love how all the comments on the photo are anti-NOM!)

OK, so here’s my point:

Both these events, the teenagers screaming homophobic remarks, and toddlers at an anti-same-sex marriage rally, holding a homophobic sign, didn’t happen on their own. Maggie Gallagher and her followers, and their ilk, are teaching young children to hate. Kids don’t grow up thinking same-sex marriage is wrong. They are taught to think it is wrong — or not.

Are you a parent? Have you ever had a conversation about marriage equality with your children?

Why or why not?

Why teach hate, or allow it to happen? Kids are never too young to learn about love. Or hate.

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