Homocon GOProud Chairman: Cash And Partying Trump Stuff Like Marriage Equality

GOProud, the fledgling new gay GOP organization chaired by Christopher R Barron, just released a statement in the wake of embarassingly scathing reviews of Ann Coulter’s disgusting remarks at its first annual “Homocon,” a fund raiser/ “party” that raised an estimated $375,000 for GOProud. (Well, minus Coulter’s speaking fees, which were, how much?…)

Barron says that, “No one should be surprised that Ann was controversial and no one should be surprised at the histrionics from the left about her appearance.” Because it’s the Left that Barron is really concerned about.

Oh, wait, except Barron couldn’t care less about the gay left. As a matter of fact, thanks to Joe.My.God, I can share with you exactly what Christopher R Barron thinks of the gay left: “Dear Gay Left – save your “outrage” over Homocon. We could give a shit what you think. #GOProud”

Endearing, isn’t he?

Here’s Chris’ full statement. Make sure you get to the last part, where he pulls the requisite “nuclear option” of invoking “Louis Farrakhan.”

Anyone surprised he didn’t mention Hitler?

“Homocon 2010 was a complete and total success. GOProud set out to throw a great party, not hold a policy event, and that’s exactly what we did.  Gay conservatives gathered from across the country to spend a night celebrating the enormous success this organization has had in such a short time.

“We celebrated by asking Ann Coulter to speak, and Ann Coulter was exactly who we thought she was when we invited her.  Ann is someone who we disagree with on issues like marriage, but is also one of the funniest, most provocative, and – yes – controversial conservatives out there. Ann’s participation in Homocon helped this organization raise a substantial amount of money, money that will help us continue to push our agenda of common-sense conservative solutions to the challenges facing gay and lesbian families.

“No one should be surprised that Ann was controversial and no one should be surprised at the histrionics from the left about her appearance.  The truth is that if the left showed half as much outrage over Iran’s brutal treatment of gay people as they did about our party in New York, we might take their criticism seriously.  Unfortunately, while Louis Farrakhan and members of the New Black Panther party broke bread with one of the most brutal anti-gay dictators in the world, the gay left was more focused on attacking a cocktail party.”

Thanks, Chris, for straightening this out. Wonder if anyone has the time or inclination to compare Coulter’s remarks about gays with Farrakhan. How far apart are they? How much did GOProud pay Coulter to trash the LGBT community?

Glad the party was such a “success!”

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