Hilary Rosen Latest Victim Of Catholic Attacks On Adoption

Hilary Rosen is the latest victim of strange attacks by the Catholic Church and Catholic groups on adoption. Rosen, a Democratic strategist and a lesbian currently under fire from the left and the right for comments she made against Mitt Romney’s wife Ann, that Mrs. Romney “never worked a day in her life,” despite the fact that she raised five children. The Twitterverse went fairly nuts, while Rosen, a single mother of two twins, explained, “I meant she never had to care for her kids AND earn a paycheck like MOST American women!” (Mediabistro has a good report.)

(For the record, I support all moms, and I think all moms are working moms, and I think Rosen does too.)

This morning, the Catholic League, headed by the virulently homophobic Bill Donohue (right), said via Twitter, “Lesbian Dem Hilary Rosen tells Ann Romney she never worked a day in her life. Unlike Rosen, who had to adopt kids, Ann raised 5 of her own.”

Get that one-two-three punch? Gotta give Donohue credit: He belittled lesbians, Democrats, and adoption all in less than 140 characters.

Donohue in his tweet is also attempting to dehumanize and defeminize lesbians who are women and can give birth to child should they choose. Rosen and her then-partner chose to adopt. They deserve credit, not scorn.

Because adopting kids — then raising them — is really easy. They’re like Chia pets: you just go to Walmart, pick one or two up, water them once in a while and they grow into amazing things.


Last week we reported on the Catholic priest who hosted a mandatory assembly at Minneapolis’ DeLaSalle high school and told seniors that single parents and children who are adopted are not normal, and preached against same-sex marriage.

(Then a Catholic couple who presented with the priest told the students gay marriage was akin to bestiality, all this apparently in an effort to influence the seniors — soon to be of legal voting age — to vote for the anti-gay marriage constitutional amendment facing Minnesota.)

Not normal?

In fact, “the overwhelming majority of families whose children came to them through adoption are doing just fine,” and “most adoptive families are happy, and most adopted children are healthy and well adjusted.”

What is wrong with these people? Anyone who attacks a parent for adopting children, or attacks children who are adopted is not normal. In fact, they suck.

There are millions of adopted children in the U.S. and well-over 150,000 children are adopted annually. To say these children are not “normal” and to belittle the parents who adopt them is sickening.

Shame on the Catholic Church — who, by the way, takes millions of federal, state, and local funds to run their Catholic adoption agencies while refusing to let same-sex cupels adopt, and shuts these agencies down when the law forces them to treat gay couples equally — for saying adopted children aren’t normal.

And shame on Bill Donohue for belittling the act of adoption, and people who adopt children.


Donohue, by the way,  has called rape victims of the Catholic Church’s pedophile priests “professional victims,” and “a pitiful bunch of malcontents” unable to move on.

Last year, Donohue called AIDS a “self-inflicted wound,” claiming that if “homosexuals” followed the teachings of the Church they would not “self-destruct.”

How very Catholic of him.

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