Herman Cain: Chick-Fil-A Donating Up To $30 Million To Anti-Gay Groups

Herman Cain today told Fox News that Chick-Fil-A President Dan Cathy will donate almost all the profits from Wednesday’s “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day,” to anti-gay organizations. Dan Cathy’s director of marketing told the media their corporate policy is to not discuss sales figures, just before Cathy discussed sales figures with Pastor Rick Warren and Herman Cain, the two conservative leaders told the press.

“They are going do take a lot of the excess profits they got on that day and contribute it to the charitable organizations they support in even bigger numbers,” Cain said, adding Wednesday’s sales figures were in excess of $30 million.

Cain, a failed front-running GOP presidential candidate, and reportedly a serial adulterer, who has been out of the public eye for most of the past year after he was forced to “suspend” his campaign when several women accused him of sexual harassment — including one who insists she and Cain had a long-term affair — told Fox’s Eric Bolling:

“This is simply an attempt on the part of the gay community to try and leverage their beliefs on another institution, a private company, since they can’t seem to get enough attention. That is what this is all about.”

Of course, Cain is merely projecting, and licking his failed presidential campaign wounds in public.

“On Thursday, Cain appeared on Fox News and praised Cathy for being “man enough and Christian enough” to oppose same-sex marriage,” Zack Ford at Think Progress notes, adding:

The fast food chain has already donated millions of dollars to anti-gay organizations, including “reparative therapy” groups like Exodus International. Chick-fil-A is one of a very small number of major national companies that refuses to offer any employment protections to LGBT employees. In fact, the company received a 0 rating from the Human Rights Campaign and has a record of firing employees it believes engage in “sinful” behavior.

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