He’s Gay

Sitting in Starbucks working on homework and I see this guy with a shirt on that says… “He’s Gay” and an arrow that points to the right. My first thought was that it was humorous. My second thought was that it was disrespectful. My third thought was that it was mirroring the tactics of the right.

On my first thought: I admit I laughed. Albeit a questioned laugh. I still laughed. So, maybe, the point the manufacturer was trying to make was reached. However, I ask, was it reached well? Was the message clear? (This connects to my third point but be patient.)

On my second thought: I still have serious issue with people — like Perez Hilton — who feel it is their desire and/or right to “out” someone. I feel it is the right and, yes, the responsibility of the individual whose news it truly is.

  • Like when my mother told my brother, she felt it was her right. I must greatly disagree. It was my right, when and where I was ready to do so. My mother also outed me to my grandparents. I hadn’t told them for many reasons. They told my mother that they still loved me and whatnot, however, when I got my birthday card from them it was lacking something. It felt forced. A joke we’ve had for many years that plays out every year on my day of birth in the form of a card was left out this year. Just weeks after my mother outed me. I guess you can say this is all a coincidence, I disagree. Maybe I’m just sensitive.

On my third thought: It acts as a distraction to the person wearing the t-shirt. In a room with more than one other person point to someone else and say they are something, even if it’s a lie. Notice the reactions of the others in the room. Even the one you are accusing. All eyes turn to them and they become defensive. Their defensive attitude only draws the eyes and judgment of the others even more. This is the tactic he’s using. Look at the other guy while I go about my own business. It’s what I highlighted in my Evangelical Hypocrite series. People who preach their hate and turn the heads of their congregation to others so that no one is looking at what they are doing.

It’s all very simple. It’s very calculating and it is something that we need to be calling people on. When someone yells “FIRE!” I will always ask for proof. Like Anderson Cooper did last night on AC 360º with Rep. Louie Gohmert.

I expect no less from you. Call people on their statements. Factual or not, ask them to prove it. It is always better to have facts and proof so you can back up your story. Make sure your friends have the facts. Friends don’t let friends look ignorant.

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