Hate Speech: Ban Gays And Lesbians From Teaching Our Kids In Our Schools

Linda Harvey gets today’s hate speech award for demanding that gays and lesbians be banned from teaching in schools. Harvey, founder and head of the anti-gay group Mission America, “once claimed that the NEA was using scholarships to make kids gays,” according to Right Wing Watch, who also provide this transcript. Visit them if you want to actually hear the audio.

“Kids should not be put in the confusing position of having a teacher they like and respect in many ways who’s also known to be practicing homosexual behavior. Of course that’s where many of our children in public schools today find themselves because the National Education Association not only allows but applauds and defends openly homosexuality and even transvestite teachers…. The fact is that no homosexuality should be in our schools, period. When people leave that behavior behind, then they might be qualified for a job involving children. Out and proud homosexuals should not have jobs that involve children. I know that’s not the current policy in many schools but it should be.”

Last month, Harvey, upset because she perceived the GOP to have become pro-gay (huh?) said, “Here’s my suggestion: True conservatives who are sickened and rightfully concerned about the promotion of homosexuality at every level in our culture need to send a clear message to the GOP national headquarters. We need to say no to donations from the Republican National Committee, when they call we need to tell them why. Until the sodomy lobby is shown the door, don’t give the RNC itself one dime.”

On her Mission America website, Harvey writes, “Homosexual activists and their allies are, in case one hasn’t noticed, the torch-carriers for a movement to destroy biblically-oriented Christianity and its positive influence on our culture,” adding, “Homosexuality will eventually be seen for the lie it is, a lie against all that God created a person to be; a lie about how people are best to love and relate to one another; a lie of omission about the health hazards involved, the sinful origins of homosexual desire and the real possibility of change.”

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