Harvey On Homosexuals: “There Are No Such Humans”

Linda Harvey, head of the anti-​gay, anti-witchcraft (seriously), Christianist, almost-hate group Mission: America, actually says of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people, “there are no such humans.” Harvey claims there has never been any proof.

“There’s one big fact that’s not backed up. There is no proof that there’s ever anything like a gay, lesbian or bisexual or transgendered child, or teen or human. One of the other things you’re gonna see as I mentioned is a big campaign GLSEN’s gonna roll out this year calling for ‘respect,’ respect! Not just for people, but for homosexual lifestyle. The PR campaign to hold up gay as a good thing: the lifestyle, not the person, because there are no such humans.”

Chances are pretty good, if you’re reading this, then, you do not exist. Sorry.

Linda Harvey actually wants to trample on our civil rights so much she is going to the ultimate extreme of denying our right to exist. Who does that sound like?

Last week, also on her weekly radio show, Harvey actually said that ending the concept that people are gay would “make a serious dent” in ending HIV, and called for government shut down of gay bars.

“So what could we do to make a serious dent in the HIV and syphilis disease track?,” Harvey had asked. “One obvious approach is to stop promoting homosexual behavior to kids and falsely calling it an identity like race. We could also close down homosexual bars and bathhouses, that would be a start. God never created people to engage in these unnatural acts.”

Harvey has also said schools should ban openly gay and lesbian teachers and classified the It Gets Better Project as “evil.”

“Kids should not be put in the confusing position of having a teacher they like and respect in many ways who’s also known to be practicing homosexual behavior,” Harvey said, and added,  “Out and proud homosexuals should not have jobs that involve children.”

Really. Where do these people come from?

I say we start a new movement: The “conservative bible-thumping bigoted anti-gay anti-science religious zealots do not exist movement.”

Who wants to join?

(Hat tip: Right Wing Watch)

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