Happy Marriage Equality Anniversary, New Hampshire! (Sort Of)

One year ago today, just after 5:00 PM, New Hampshire Governor John Lynch signed a revised marriage equality bill into law, at the time making New Hampshire the sixth state in the Union to offer marriage equality to all couples. Same-sex couples have been able to wed in New Hampshire since January 1 of this year, and have been able to form civil unions since 2008. Shortly before the marriage vote was taken, a state-wide poll found 55% of New Hampshire residents favored same-sex marriage, and only 39% opposed it.

Same-sex marriage in New Hampshire is projected to bring in an additional half-million dollars annually to the state.

Perhaps one of the largest indicators of the success of marriage equality in New Hampshire is that, aside from state Democrats celebrating Tuesday afternoon, there has been little to no news on the one-year anniversary of the signing of the gay marriage bill into law.

No news is good news.

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