Happy Anniversary, Boston Tea Party! Pity Today’s Tea Party Is Nothing Like You.

Today is the 238th anniversary of the historic, legendary Boston Tea Party, during which Revolutionary American patriots protested having to pay taxes without being allowed to vote, as they were still under rule of the English.

Today’s Tea Party love to play dress up and call themselves “patriots,” but they have little, if anything, in common with the Boston Tea Party.

The  Boston Tea Party wasn’t protesting taxes, they weren’t asking to get something for nothing, to not have to pay their fair share. They were protesting being denied the right to vote, yet having to pay taxes for the privilege — the exact thing today’s Republican Party and tea Party is doing to millions of American citizens in state after state across the country today, ushering in new “voter fraud” laws that are designed to prevent the poor from being able to vote.

Today’s Tea Party wants zero taxes — in other words, a free ride, and that’s exactly what they falsely accuse the Occupy Wall Street Movement of wanting. The Tea Party, which continuously has lost support among the American people, is totally out of touch. Proof? The Occupy Movement has spread across the globe, and is growing by leaps and bounds. The Tea Party will wither and die, and I predict, very soon. After the 2016 election, regardless of which party wins — if not before — it will be a passing (bad) memory.

Congressman Allen West, the very definition of what today’s Tea Party is — and why it’s so destructive and antithetical to both what America stands for, and to the original Boston Tea Party, today posted this note on Facebook:

On December 16 1773, a band of Boston patriots calling themselves the Sons of Liberty threw 342 chests of tea from a British East India Company ship into the waters of Boston Harbor. We remember them today in celebration of our hard fought freedoms and liberties.

In the future we shall look back upon the “Occupy Wall Street” protesters as the Sons of Anarchy.

Apparently, Allen West has a lot of time to watch TV. He should instead be hitting the history books, and looking for a new job, as I predict he won’t be able to hold his for too much longer. Also, Rep. West, how about finally getting off the government’s payroll, which you seem to have milked your entire life?

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