Hannity: Obama Undermines Sanctity Of Heterosexual Marriage

Sean Hannity, the less-popular-than Glenn-Beck-or-Bill-O’Reilly, third-rate Fox News pundit has been lagging in his ratings since Beck jumped into crazy land. So he just published his first book in six years,”Conservative Victory: Defeating Obama’s Radical Agenda.”

A review in Human Events, that Conservation bastion of right-wing wing-nuttery, offers this:

“Hannity has written a well documented, no-holds-barred look at the radical background and associations of President Barack Obama.  From the Rev. Jeremiah Wright — the President’s 20-year pastor — and Wright’s embrace of the Marxist-based Black Liberation Theology, to Obama’s friends and White House staff, Hannity lays out the radical background and ideology of all of this President’s men and women who carry out his far-left agenda.”

(If Obama were far-left, I’d be thrilled. He’s about as centrist as we can afford.)

And small wonder, who’s hawking the just-released lie-atribe? Non other than the anti-gay marriage mob’s the National Organization for Marriage. In an email, Brian Brown, NOM’s Executive Director writes,

“Hannity’s ringing defense of marriage is a welcome rebuke to those Republicans working to undermine the party’s commitment to common-sense values.”

“Republicans working to undermine the party’s commitment to common-sense values?” I actually agree. Republicans ARE working to undermine ‘common-sense values.'”

Here’s the money-quote from Hannity’s new hate-a-thon.

“Obama and his party stand for America’s economic bankruptcy, virtual surrender in the war on terror, and a culture of death, from abortion to embryonic stem cell research to healthcare rationing tantamount to death panels.  He stands for a comprehensive radicalization of our culture, from turning our schools over to homosexual activists, to undermining the sanctity of heterosexual marriage, to expanding the dependency classes.  He stands for polarization and alienation between racial and ethnic groups, and between those of different economic circumstances.  He stands for government swallowing the private sector and equalizing income and asset distribution; he may even use the courts, if he can pull it off, to impose what he and his fellow radicals call ‘economic justice,’ a grand-scale version of ‘spreading the wealth around.’”

I think Hannity will win the award for most hate-per-square-inch.

Who says you can’t judge a book by its cover? I can tell just by looking into his eyes you can’t trust a word Sean Hannity says. Or writes.

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