Graham: Americans Need To ‘Resurrect Moral Majority’ After Electing Obama

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American Christian evangelist and missionary Franklin Graham says Americans “turned our back on God” by re-electing Barack Obama, and need to “resurrect the Moral Majority.” Graham, son of the 94-year old televangelist Billy Graham, says the President’s second term will usher in “the largest changes in our society since the Civil War.” (Amusing that he uses “the Civil War” as a marker for the re-election of the nation’s first Black president.)

WATCH: Franklin Graham: Gays Can’t Have Marriage Because ‘Plumbing’ Must Be ‘Completely Different’

Graham apparently is terribly upset that “everybody’s taxes will go up,” because “it’s just going to get more expensive as you try to pay for Obamacare.”

Graham tells David Brody of televangelist Pat Robertson‘s Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), “We need someone like Jerry Falwell to come back and resurrect the Moral Majority movement, where you get people who have a moral background that are willing to come together and vote for moral issues that are important to this nation.”

Now, let’s stop for a moment here.

Franklin Graham’s profession is being a man of God.

Graham’s God teaches that we should love each other and take care of each other.

The Churches — Christian, Catholic, Mormon, etc. — have totally abdicated this responsibility, preferring to allow secular society and government to take the financial burden of caring for the nation’s poor and needy, rather than spending their vast wealth to do God’s work.

Graham, a benefactor of the Church — his only job is being the scion of a televangelist — is complaining about taxes going up so people won’t die from not having regular access to good medical care.

Anyone else find this hypocrisy unGodly, and out of this world?

And what did the Moral Majority do?

Via Wikipedia:

  • Censorship of media outlets that promote an “anti-family” agenda
  • Enforcement of a traditional vision of family life
  • Opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment and Strategic Arms Limitation Talks
  • Opposition to state recognition and acceptance of homosexual acts
  • Outlawing abortion in all cases, even to save a woman’s life
  • Targeting Jews and other non-Christians for conversion to conservative Christianity

Thanks to Right Wing Watch for the video

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