GOP Senator Says His Son, ‘N1ggerkiller,’ Who Calls People ‘Faggot,’ Has A ‘Language’ Problem?

Republican U.S. Senator Jeff Flake has apologized for his son’s “language” problem. Tanner Flake, a fifteen-tear old who goes by the name “n1ggerkiller” in a Facebook game, but uses his real name on YouTube, and calls people “faggot” and “Jew,” apparently has also apologized, for his “language.”

“Tanner used Twitter to threaten the ‘faggot’ who stole his bike,” Buzzfeed first reported, adding Tanner said “he ‘will find you, and … will beat the crap out of you,’ joked about an acquaintance stealing one-liners because he’s Jewish, and went by the name ‘n1ggerkiller’ in an online game.”

“I’m very disappointed in my teenage son’s words, and I sincerely apologize for the insensitivity. This language is unacceptable, anywhere. Needless to say, I’ve already spoken with him about this, he has apologized, and I apologize as well,” Sen. Flake said in a statement to BuzzFeed.

Buzzfeed adds that “a series of tweets from January and February show the Arizona Republican’s son repeatedly using the slurs.”

Additionally, Flake posted screenshots of scores from games on “Fun Run,” a social gaming app. The screenshots show that Flake goes by the name of “n1ggerkiller.”

UPDATE: A source points out that Flake’s YouTube comments are also littered with offensive language. A preliminary review of the hundreds of comments shows he repeatedly called other users “nigger” and “faggot,” called Mexicans the “scum of the Earth,” and on several occasions bragged that his father is a member of Congress.

Towleroad adds, “a reader sends in a sampling of Tanner Flake’s comments from YouTube.”

“you faggot retard pussy piece of crap i hope you die in a hole slowly and painfully”
“you gay fag ni**er go shoot yourself because no body likes you”
“Mexicans are the scum of the earth.”
“Then some ni**er started rapping and I looked at her album art and saw that it was Flo Rida.”
“Stupid little ni**er”
“go die in a hole you stupid ni**er”
“The black guy always fails first…”
“Yes, because one white dude goes nuts. No. Black people do crap like this all of the time.”
“When he called himself a cheap jew i loled hard”

That Senator Flake says his son has a “language” problem, and calls his “words” “unacceptable” shows where Tanner’s problem comes from.

It’s not Tanner Flake’s words that are unacceptable — although they are — but the fact that he could even conceive of calling himself “n1ggerkiller” and “repeatedly” use words like “nigger” and “faggot,” and call people “scum of the Earth,” is unacceptable.

It’s not your son’s words, Senator Flake, that are the problem. The problem are his thoughts.

And perhaps Tanner Flake’s thoughts are affected by Jeff Flake’s deeds?

Senator Jeff Flake voted against the background checks gun control bill, against the disaster relief bill for Hurricane Sandy victims, voted on a resolution that condemned the HHS for making it easier for needy families to obtain food stamps, voted to prohibit the Department of Defense from spending any money that would support same-sex marriages, voted against extending lower student loan rates, voted against extending payroll tax cuts.

Heck, anything that decreases support for the needy and for families, Jeff Flake voted for.

But anything that protects families, like gun control, Jeff Flake voted against.

What message does this send to Americans, like Tanner Flake?



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