GOP Senator Attacks Susan Rice’s Comments As ‘Disconnected From Reality’

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Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), John McCain (R-AZ), and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) spoke at a press conference this morning following their closed-door meeting with U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice over her comments on the Sunday talk shows regarding this year’s 9/11 attacks in Benghazi. The three lawmakers appeared hostile, albeit sweaty and fearful. But each proceeded to attack Ambassador Rice, whom they have always opposed since President Obama was elected in 2008.

“Rice did not appear to soothe their concerns,” Talking Points Memo reports:

“I’m more disturbed now than I was before,” Graham told reporters following the meeting. “I think it does not do justice to the reality at the time and in hindsight clearly was completely wrong. But here’s the key, in realtime, it was a statement disconnected from reality.”

“If you don’t know what happened, just say you don’t know what happened,” Graham said. “People can push you to give explanations and you can say I don’t want to give bad information. Here’s what I can tell you — the American people got bad information on the 16th of September, they got bad information from President Obama days after, and the question is, should they have been giving the information at all? If you can do nothing but give bad information, isn’t it better to give no information at all?”

Watch the video:

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