GOP Lt. Gov. Candidate: ‘We Love The Homosexual’ But ‘Homosexuality Is A Sexual Behavior’

Christian Minister and Virginia GOP Lt. Governor nominee E.W. Jackson yesterday told radio host Janet Mefferd that Christians “love the homosexual” but “homosexuality is a sexual behavior and it is a behavior that the Bible says is wrong and unacceptable.”

Clearly, the two statements cannot both be true — unless one views homosexuality as a disease like alcoholism, which it absolutely is not.

“Homosexuality is a sexual behavior and it is a behavior that the Bible says is wrong and unacceptable,” Jackson told Mefferd. “To equate that with civil rights for black people or for women is so specious that it just amazes me that people buy into it, but they buy into it because it is emotionally appealing, it has no logic to it whatsoever.”



Recently, Jackson has been in hot water for all his anti-gay comments and actions. For instance, last October Jackson told local church-goers that same-sex marriage leads to bestiality. “I’m serious,” he said. “If we don’t stand up” for so-called traditional marriage, Jackson warned, “Adam and Steve” will lead to “Adam and a bull.” He also warned that if society doesn’t stop same-sex marriage now it will be “overwhelmed by the torrent of wickedness.”

Early in the war on HIV/AIDS, E.W. Jackson virulently opposed condom distribution, safe sex-education, health clinics in public schools, and needle exchange programs.

Jackson has said that homosexuality is an “abomination in the sight of God” and chastised his congregation for voting Democratic and for being “sinfully complacent.”

For an extensive list of Jackson’s attacks of LGBT people and liberals, read:

Gays Are ‘Very Sick People Psychologically, Mentally And Emotionally’ Says GOP Lt. Gov. Nominee

Thanks to Right Wing Watch for the audio and transcript

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