GOP Governor Bobby Jindal Tells GOP To Stop Being ‘Stupid’

Governor Bobby Jindal, desperately trying to fill the power and leadership vacuum in the Republican Party, told the GOP yesterday to “stop being the stupid party.” Jindal added that several Republican candidates’ “offensive and bizarre comments” had hurt the GOP, likely a nod to Todd Akin, Richard Mourdoch, and many, many others. Like most Republicans who are suffering from tunnel vision, Jindal insisted the GOP didn’t need to change what they stand for, but how they communicate.

A look at any legitimate poll right now will show the majority of Americans disagree with the Republican Party’s position on nearly any issue.

“In his keynote address at the Republican National Committee’s winter meeting in North Carolina, Jindal insisted that Republicans did not need to change their values, but they ‘might need to change just about everything else we are doing,’” David Edwards at The Raw Story reports:

“We’ve got to stop being the stupid party,” the Louisiana governor explained. “It’s time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults. It’s time for us to articulate our plans and our visions for America in real terms.”

Jindal also told attendees that Republicans need to “stop insulting the intelligence of voters” and “stop talking down to them.”

“We are not the party of big business, big banks, big Wall Street bailouts, big corporate loopholes or big anything,” he asserted. “We must not be the party that simply protects the well off so that they can keep their toys.”

“We’re a populist party and we need to make that clear to every voter and every American.”

No, seriously, Governor Jindal actually said that.

Let’s all pause for a moment and remember who Governor Bobby Jindal is.

Almost seven out of ten registered Republicans, 68% specifically, believe demonic possession is real, Salon reported in November:

For registered Republicans who do believe in demonic possession (which is, again, the majority), there is at least one standout elected official who is taking this issue seriously and has educated himself about spiritual exorcism.

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has written a first-hand account about witnessing an exorcism while he was in college.

“Kneeling on the ground, my friends were chanting, ‘Satan, I command you to leave this woman.’ Others exhorted all ‘demons to leave in the name of Christ,’” Jindal wrote.


Then there’s Jindal’s stance on well, many other issues.

In September of last year, the anti-gay Jindal said that “judicial activism” led to allowing gay marriage and suggested it’s a slippery slope to overturning “Second Amendment rights.”

No, seriously, Governor Jindal actually said that.

Jindal, of course, is anti-choice, and holds tight with the Republican Party’s platform.


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