GOP, Fox, NOM, Catholic League Freak Out Over ‘Godless’ Democratic Platform

Fox News, NOM, the National Organization For Marriage, Bill Donohue’s Catholic League, Erick Erickson, Breitbart.com, and many other right wing extremists, are attacking the Democrats and Barack Obama because the word “God” does not appear in the DNC 2012 platform. Apparently, the constitutional policy of separation of church and state isn’t something Republicans and conservatives are able to wrap their heads around, just as they are unable — or unwilling — to recognize that not every American believes in God.

The top story on the Drudge Report:


And the Chairman of the Republican National Committee tweeted:


And NOM’s Thomas Peters tweets:


John Nolte at Breitbart claims:

“The godless Democrats are now even more godless and no longer even trying to hide it.”

Bill Donohue, meanwhile, head of the pedophile-priest supporting Catholic League, released this factually-challenged statement:

Why should anyone be surprised that the mere mention of the word “God” would send shivers down the spine of the Democratic faithful? After all, the same platform says it’s a good idea for two men to get married; the public needs to pay for all abortions; there is no demand that Hamas stop terrorism against Israelis; the public must pay for a healthcare policy it manifestly rejects; the Catholic non-profit community must fork up money to pay for abortion-inducing drugs, etc.

The Obama administration has a “God problem.” On several occasions, President Obama has omitted the words “by their Creator” when citing the Declaration of Independence. He has also erroneously said that the national motto is “E Pluribus Unum”; it is “In God We Trust.” Now the Democratic Platform has deleted the word “God” when discussing our “God-given potential.” In 2008, the Platform spoke to the issue of having a government that “gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential.” The italics, which I added, have been deleted from the 2012 Platform.

The Catholic League appreciates honesty and transparency, even when it signifies something pernicious. On this basis, we commend the Democrats for being so straightforward.

Image, top, by Angelo Carusone: @GoAngelo

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