GOP: Anti-Abortion Laws Pathway To Banning Same-Sex Marriage

Anti-abortion anti-choice laws are the pathway to banning same-sex marriage, or so notorious Republican, Watergate felon, virulent anti-​gay activist, and Prison Fellowship founder Chuck Colson believes. But don’t discount Colson, a Republican strategist, pundit, Evangelical minister, who is highly-regarded in the GOP despite (or, perhaps, because?) of his past.

In Monday’s “A reason to celebrate: 80+ pro-life laws passed this year,” Colson writes,

“According to Gallup, ‘majorities of Democrats as well as most Republicans favor informed consent, parental consent, 24-hour waiting periods, and a ban on ‘partial birth abortion’.’ The respected polling agency says that 87 percent of respondents favor informing a pregnant woman of the risks of having an abortion.

Folks, in these contentious times, it’s hard to get 87 percent of the people to agree that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west!

Responding to this pro-life groundswell, state legislatures in 2011 have passed more than 80 bills aimed at restricting access to abortion. That’s up from 23 such laws enacted last year. These measures would variously ban abortions after the first detectable fetal heartbeat, specify which drugs and equipment abortion clinics must provide, require doctors to conduct a pre-abortion sonogram and describe the unborn child’s features to the woman, or require waiting periods before an abortion.

Here is some more good news. According to the pro-choice Guttmacher Institute, forty-six states now allow medical professionals to opt out of abortions. Forty-three allow at least some institutions to opt out. Thirty-six require parental notification or consent for minors. Twenty-four require waiting periods, nineteen require counseling, and sixteen outlaw ‘partial-birth’ abortions.

This whole movement shows us that we are able — if we’re patient and persevering — to change culture, and it should encourage us in the battle over so-called gay ‘marriage’.”

Again, for those who wish to discount Colson’s views or pull, take a look at the Washington Post’s profile of Colson from earlier this year.

Regular readers will remember Colson last month wrote, “‘gay marriage’ will inevitably undermine all marriages.” My response to this statement set off a firestorm with Dan Savage, (which I explain here,) who has yet to apologize…

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