God Hates Fags Church No-Show At Elizabeth Taylor’s Funeral, Too…

Elizabeth Taylor’s funeral was held just after 2:00 PM at Forest Lawn Memorial-Park in Glendale, California — without any protests by the Westboro Baptist Church, aka, “God Hates Fags.” Taylor, who died Wednesday at the age of 79, was buried within the customary 24 hours, in accordance with her faith.

And “the service went off without a hitch,” according to the L.A. Times.

Via her Twitter account, Margie Phelps, daughter of Pastor Fred Phelps, Westboro’s leader, had said, “Hello rebels! RIP Elizabeth Taylor is in hell as sure as you’re reading this & getting mad as a wet hen. She should’ve obeyed God. Too late!,” and “No RIP Elizabeth Taylor who spent her life in adultery and enabling proud fags. They cuss her in hell today.  #Westboro will picket funeral!”

Phelps had also tweeted, “You brutes bellow RIP Elizabeth Taylor It’s not yours to give peace -it’s God’s. HE expressly declared no peace for wicked -only obedient,” and “Media mob & talking dead-heads will publicly lionize whore  #ElizabethTaylor & squeal like stuck pigs when  #WBC pickets funeral.  #ShesInHell.” Phelps also called Taylor a “proud sinner.”

Yet one more funeral that the Westboro Baptist Church has promised to attend, which they rarely do. The list of funerals the Westboro Baptist Church claims it will attend and protest is almost endless. Remember Heath Ledger, Kenny McKinley, Madelyn Payne Dunham (Obama’s grandmother,) Ronnie James Dio, Tony Snow…

In fact, there seem to be very funerals the “God Hates Fags” folks have actually bothered to show up for, despite their heavily-publicized promises.

God Hates Fags’ websites remain down, one month after Internet hacktivists Anonymous took them down as promised, in a highly-public online war of words.

Read: “Anonymous” Successfully Hacks “God Hates Fags” Websites

The Westboro Baptist Church recently won a First Amendment Supreme Court ruling supporting their right to protest at funerals. Church leaders claimed they would “quadruple” their protests after the ruling, but that remains to be seen.

For now, it seems they are content to “protest” on Twitter.


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