God Forbid, But If US Soldiers In Afghanistan Are Harmed In Response To Urination On Corpses, CNN’s Dana Loesch Will Have Blood On Her Hands

Little Green Footballs, by all measures a conservative hangout — and as I’ve said before, the good kind of conservatives — just posted this audio of CNN’s Dana Loesch supporting the soldiers who whipped out their junk and pissed on the dead corpses of Afghanistan civilians. It was a despicable act, one that not only have top military and state department officials (yes, Panetta and Clinton) had to apologize for, but as anyone with half a brain knows, one that puts our service members at risk.

It was stupid and short-sighted, and apparently so is this Dana Loesch person. Loesch is a 33-yar old Tea Party conservative who home schools her kids and works for (of course!) Andrew Breitbart as editor-in-chief of Big Journalism. (Read more of her bio at Wikipedia.)

LGF writes that Loesch said she “gave the marines in question ‘one million cool points’ and said that she would ‘drop trou’ and ‘do it too.’ She ended by saying: ‘Do I have a problem with that as a citizen of the United States? No, I don’t’.”

No, Dana, you asshat, you don’t now, of course, but you will if God forbid our service members are caught, attacked, harmed, or killed in response to this reprehensible act. No doubt some Taliban recruitment officer right now is playing your stupid and dangerous comments to some kids he’s tying to recruit.

It seems Dana Loesch, who is supposedly a “political analyst” and hosts, The Dana Show: The Conservative Alternative, clearly has absolutely no idea of what she’s paid to talk about. She should lose her job at CNN and be forced to enlist and immediately be flown to Afghanistan to see what it’s like, what our service members have to deal with, and see how dangerous her comments are to the brave men and women fighting for her right to be a total insensitive and ignorant jackass.

Or maybe CNN can just embed her there.

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