Glenn Beck: “Whites Only” (Proof!)

Glenn Beck, Fox News TV host, may have a wide audience, but it’s a “whites-only” audience. Small wonder why Beck is afraid of immigration reform.

I have a confession. I’ve started to check-in on Glenn Beck. Yesterday he kicked-off some ludicrous “Reviving America Listening Tour.” (He claims having people sit in a stadium and listen to him talk creates jobs. Mmmm, okay…)

Beck of course is a lying asshat. And as I was watching the show, I couldn’t believe (remember, I’m not a regular) the audience. A “whites-only” crowd. Seriously. Look at the clip. Maybe I missed it, but, as the screengrab above shows, I don’t see a single non-white face in the crowd.

I guess “taking back America” means taking back America to a time when white people owned slaves, gays couldn’t marry, and racists could actually openly speak their racism.


“We honor the Tea Party Activists for making the first great rumblings toward America’s brighter future. They reminded us that we aren’t powerless in this fight. We can take back America, one community at a time.”

Glenn Beck, Tea Party troglodyte, race-baiter, well, you already know.

Via Wikipedia:

“During the 2009 Henry Louis Gates controversy, Beck argued that President Barack Obama has repeatedly shown “a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture,” saying “I’m not saying he doesn’t like white people. I’m saying he has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist.” These remarks drew criticism, and resulted in a boycott promulgated by Color of Change. The boycott resulted in 80 advertisers requesting their ads be removed from his programming, to avoid associating their brands with content that could be considered offensive by potential customers.”

“On March 11, 2010, Glenn Beck noted on his TV show that social justice had been a theme of the controversial Father Charles Coughlin, as well as of American Nazi sympathizer Fritz Julius Kuhn who in 1939 called for a “socially just white gentile ruled United States.” The media reported Beck was asking Christians to leave their churches if they hear preaching about social justice because they were code words for Communism and Nazism. This prompted outrage from some Christian bloggers such as the Rev. Jim Wallis, leader of a Christian social justice organization, who blogged “What he has said attacks the very heart of our Christian faith, and Christians should no longer watch his show.” Beck later clarified that he meant that if confronted with a Black liberation theology church such that of Rev Jeremiah Wright, one should find another parish, and noted that Wallis had served as a spiritual adviser to President Obama. Wallis described this as a mischaracterization. He also quoted Beck as threatening him with the words, “So Jim, I just wanted to pass this on to you. In my time I will respond — my time, well, kind of like God’s time, might be a day, might be a week to you, I’m not sure. But I’m going to get to it in my time, not your time. So you go ahead and you continue to do your protest thing, and that’s great. I love it. But just know — the hammer is coming, because little do you know, for eight weeks, we’ve been compiling information on you, your cute little organization, and all the other cute little people that are with you. And when the hammer comes, it’s going to be hammering hard and all through the night, over and over.”

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