GLAAD Asks ‘Where Are So-Called ‘Family’ Organizations On Black Friday?’

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Ross Murray, Director of Religion, Faith and Values at GLAAD, is asking, “Where are so-called ‘family’ organizations on Black Friday?” Murray, who notes he is a gay Christian, writes that “Many anti-LGBT activists claim they are not ‘against’ anyone, but ‘for’ strong families. So why are they silent about a culture that sends people away from their families to the mall?”

GLAAD, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, is taking these anti-LGBT organizations to task. From anti-gay groups like NOM, the National Organization For Marriage and to Focus on the Family, to SPLC-certified anti-gay hate groups like American Family Association and Family Research Council, Murray writes in his Washington Post op-ed:

If these organizations believe that “strengthening a family” is done through working every day to make life harder for LGBT people, then it’s clear that these organizations have a lot to learn about what actually constitutes a family.

“Where are the alarm bells concerning Black Friday?,” Murray asks. “Why have none of the self-described ‘family organizations’ said that Thanksgiving is ‘under attack?’ Where is the outrage that what precious little family time we have is being destroyed?”

The organizations who make their living off of attacking the lives and relationships of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people (who also happen to be among the loudest claiming that there’s a “War on Christmas”) have been utterly silent that Thanksgiving, perhaps the most family-oriented holiday on our American calendar, is becoming a holiday dedicated to fighting other shoppers for the lowest deals.

As a gay Christian, I am also concerned with strengthening families. Often work, school, and social lives leave families precious little quality time together. Holidays like Thanksgiving offer a sanctuary for families from all the daily pressures and responsibilities that come in our modern life. I, for one, am thankful to have an opportunity to gather with those closest to me and offer thanks for what I have.

Well, where are the so-called “family” groups on Black Friday?

The American Family Association’s Bryan Fischer, perhaps the most out-spoken anti-gay leader among the radical religious right “family” groups, today spent the morning on Twitter, posting disgusting tweets like these two:



Image via Flickr by denipet

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