Gays: Do Republicans Really Hate Us?

A just-released Daily Kos/Research 2000 poll “of over 2,000 self-identified Republicans” reveals what you may have thought — or feared — about conservatives and the GOP. I’m not talking about politicians — I’m talking about your neighbors. Now, before you get all out of shape about this post, let’s look at some facts:

1. Here’s how my dictionary describes the word “hate”:

Hate: hate |hāt|
verb [ trans. ]
feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone) : the boys hate each other | he was particularly hated by the extreme right.
• have a strong aversion to (something) : he hates flying | [with infinitive ] I’d hate to live there.

2. Here are the LGBTQ-related results from the Daily Kos poll:

  • Should openly gay men and women be allowed to serve in the military? NO 55%
  • Should same sex couples be allowed to marry? NO 77%
  • Should gay couples receive any state or federal benefits? NO 68%
  • Should openly gay men and women be allowed to teach in public schools? NO 73%

Really? 73% of Republicans think we are a danger to their children? Seriously? But why am I surprised, when we have the likes of Maggie Gallagher and Brian Brown and NOM trying to get their followers to think that gay unions pose a greater risk of child abuse.

So, the GOP, and Republicans, and Conservatives don’t want us to be able to marry, receive benefits, or teach their children. Nice.

Here are a few more findings:

  • Should Barack Obama be impeached, or not? YES 39%
  • Do you believe Barack Obama was born in the United States, or not? NO 36%
  • Do you think Barack Obama is a socialist? YES 63%
  • Do you believe Barack Obama is a racist who hates White people? YES 31%

On Sex:

  • Should sex education be taught in the public schools? NO 51%
  • Should contraceptive use be outlawed? YES 31%
  • Do you believe the birth control pill is abortion? YES 34%

On Religion:

  • Should public school students be taught that the book of Genesis in the Bible explains how God created the world? YES 77%
  • Do you consider abortion to be murder? YES 76%
  • Do you support the death penalty? YES 91%
  • Do you believe that the only way for an individual to go to heaven is though Jesus Christ, or can one make it to heaven through another faith? CHRIST 67%

You gotta love that: abortion is murder, but the death penalty is not.

I’m waiting for tons of folks asking what good this point of view does, how does this further our efforts, is this productive, etc. Well, all I can say is, when such a large segment of my fellow countrymen don’t want me to marry, teach their kids, receive benefits, or serve in the military, what would you call that?

We are literally talking about our lives here. Not a culture war, but our very lives. That’s what I have to say.

Now, I will say that living our lives openly and with honesty, respectful of others, being good role models, “speaking our truth quietly and clearly,” goes a long way. That’s what I pledge to do.

So, now it’s your turn. Do you think Republicans hate gays?

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