Gays Are ‘Doing To Christians’ What ‘Nazis Used To Do To Jews’ Says LaBarbera

Peter LaBarbera is claiming that gays, or, as he calls them, “homosexual activists,” are are “doing to Christians” what the “Nazis used to do to the Jews.” LaBarbera, head of the certified anti-gay hate group, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), was speaking with Judith Reisman, of Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University. Right Wing Watch, which has the audio of this conversation, calls Reisman “Liberty University’s resident junk scientist.”

“Homosexual activists in many ways drive our culture, they decide what’s going to be in a movie, we see all the portrayals, homosexuals are the most positively portrayed in the movies and on TV, Christians are often negatively portrayed and stereotyped,” LaBarbera claims in his conversation with Reisman. “In many ways, in fact Judith you are Jewish, I think you’re starting to see Hollywood what they’re doing to Christians and to people of faith who actually adhere to traditional values, they’re demonizing them like the Nazis used to do to the Jews. They would compare Jews to rats and we see these vicious, ugly caricatures of Christians coming out of Hollywood. How did we go from that in such a short amount of time to homosexuality being deviant conduct which wasn’t spoken about to now driving our culture?”

Brian Tashman at Right Wing Watch notes “while the two anti-gay activists in their last interview likened gays to Soviet spies and radical Islamists, LaBarbera and Reisman went straight to the Nazi comparisons this time.” Tashman adds:

Reisman eagerly agreed and likened public education in the US to schools in Hitler’s Germany and said that just as Nazis put up Hitler posters instead of the Ten Commandments, “here in the United States we removed the Ten Commandments but we didn’t put up Hitler we put up the AIDS posters, which is just as telling, isn’t it?”

For the record, the Nazis systematically murdered “between 11 million and 17 million people,” including Jewish people, gay people, Polish and Soviet civilians, Romani, communists, and Soviet prisoners of war, among many others.


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